Our friars of residing in the newest friary of our province, the Franciscan Martyrs Friar (Columbus, GA) were invited by those who staff and serve the St. Benedict the Moor Parish Outreach Community Lunch Program, to come and share a meal with the more than 75 people they serve each day. Since August 2, 2018, Fr. Noel Danielewicz, OFM Conv. (at far right) has been assigned as pastor of St. Benedict the Moor Parish. He was joined that day by his confreres, Fr. Bob Benko, OFM Conv. (at left back row – pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church), Fr. Robert Schlageter, OFM Conv. (2nd from left back row – pastor of St. Anne Catholic Church) and Fr. Mark David Skura, OFM Conv. (at right back row – parochial vicar of St. Anne Catholic Church).
All of the friars of the Franciscan Martyr Friary gathered for their first Transitus Prayer Service with the faithful of Columbus, GA. The candlelight service remembering St. Francis of Assisi’s passage from death to glory was hosted by Friar Noel and St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church. Parishioners from all three parishes served by these friars enjoyed the time for prayer, song and fellowship. (left to right: Friar Robert, Friar Bob, Friar Noel, Fr. Emanuel “Manny” Vasconcelos, OFM Conv. and Friar Mark David)

In celebration of the October 4, 2018 Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, our friars of St. Philip Benizi Friary (Jonesboro, GA) hosted our friars of Holy Cross Friary (Atlanta,GA) and Franciscan Martyrs Friary (Columbus, GA), as well as their confrere – the Most Reverend Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv. of the Diocese of Savannah. These friars serve as pastors and parochial vicars in six Georgia parishes. It was the first time that all of our friars ministering in Georgia were able to come together to share a meal, fellowship and fraternity. Pictured left to right: Friar Manny, Fr. Luis Palacios Rodriguez, OFM Conv. and Fr. John Koziol, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar and pastor of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church, Jonesboro), Friar Bob, Friar Robert, Friar Noel, Fr. Vincent Gluc, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church), Bishop Hartmaryer, Fr. Calixto Salvatierra Morena, OFM Conv. and Fr. Jude Michael Krill, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar and pastor of Holy Cross Catholic Church, Atlanta), Friar Mark David, Fr. John Voytek, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar of the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Atlanta) & Fr. Tom Reist, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar of Holy Cross Catholic Church)