On Wednesday evening, October 3, 2018, the Friars of St. Joseph Cupertino Friary and our Shrine of St. Anthony (Ellicott City, MD) hosted a celebration of the Commemoration of the Passing (Transitus) of St. Francis of Assisi from Earthly Life to Eternal Life.
Organized by our post-Novitiate friars of St. Bonaventure Friary (Silver Spring, MD), the celebration brought together our OFM Conventual Friars with Dominican Friars, Secular Franciscans, and Felician Sisters – who sang the Blessing of St. Francis at the close of the service. Fr. Eric de la Peña, OFM Conv. (at front center), Director of the Shrine of St. Anthony, was the celebrant and Fr. Albert Trudel, O.P. (next to Friar Eric) preached a vibrant homily including the story of the meeting of our founders; St. Francis and St. Dominic.

Our friars serving in Columbus, CT invited the parishioners they serve at St. Anne Catholic Church, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church and St. Benedict the Moore Parish, to their “Transitus of St. Francis” – a candlelight service remembering his passage from death to glory – at St. Benedict the Moor Catholic Church. Many enjoyed the time for prayer, song and fellowship.

The Secular Franciscan Community of St. Clare of Assisi celebrated the Transitus of our Holy Father, Francis, into eternal life on Oct. 3, 2018, at Our Lady of Mercy Church in Winston-Salem, NC, along with their pastor emeritus, Fr. Joseph Angelini, OFM Conv.

Our friars serving on the “Jersey Shore” at our pastoral ministries of St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church (Point Pleasant Beach, NJ) and the Parish of St. Junipero Serra worshiping at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church (Seaside Heights, NJ) and the Church of St. Catharine of Siena (Seaside Park, NJ) gathered with the area’s faithful to celebrate the Transitus together at St. Peter’s.