On August 15, 2018, Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Reto Davatz, OFM Conv. moved from the sunny state of Georgia, USA (where he served as chaplain at Blessed Trinity Catholic High School) to Flüeli-Ranft, Switzerland, where the Swiss Franciscan Friars Conventual have a friary located at the pilgrimage site of the birthplace, hermitage, and final resting place of Switzerland’s patron saint, Niklaus von Flüe, aka “Bruder Klaus” (1417-1487). Friar Reto will minister with the friars of the Konvent St. Franciscus, serving with his confreres as chaplains to the pilgrims who visit the Bruder Klaus Pilgrimage Site.
Our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. visited Friar Reto, from August 27-30th. There, he met with Friar Daniele Brocca, OFM Conv., the Custos of the Provincial Custody of St. Leopold and St. Nicolas of Flüe (of the Province of St. Elizabeth – Germany) and with the local friars with whom Friar Reto be living and working. These friars will help in the efforts to rebuild the presence of our Order, in the Alpine region – North of Italy.