Our Lady of the Angels Province friars, Fr. Vincent Rubino, OFM Conv. (2nd from left) and Fr. Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv. (far right) during a Wednesday, August 1, Day 9 Liturgy
Many friars of our province are in attendance and entering the 3rd week of the 201st Order of Friars Minor Conventual Extraordinary General Chapter. Friars from all over the world are meeting during this five week event being held Southeast of Rome, in Nemi Italy.
- A member of the Minister General’s Definitory, serving the Order as Assistant General for the CFF, is Friar Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. (follow link to view his daily presentation videos).
- One of 28 Minister Provincials from around the world, the Friar James McCurry, OFM Conv., our Minister Provincial is in attendance. (Friar Michael Zielke, OFM Conv. who is also of our province but serving as Minister Provincial for the St. Bonaventure Province is also in attendance.)
- Our two Custos are included among the 18 Provincial Custos representing Provincial Custodies: Friar Ronaldo Gomes da Silva, OFM Conv. (Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M – Brazil) and Friar Ciprian Budau, OFM Conv. (Provincial Custody of Blessed Agnellus of Pisa – Great Britain/Ireland).
- Serving as two of the 25 Provincial Delegates are Friar Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. and Friar Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv. are on hand. Friar Tim also serves as Secretary General of the Chapter.
- Two of the 12 Interpreters serving the friar participants are Friar Julio Martinez, OFM Conv. (ESP-ENG-ITA) and Friar Vincent Rubino, OFM Conv. (ENG-ESP).
- In addition, two friars from other provinces who serve in our province are also working as Interpreters, Friar Marek Wilk, OFM Conv. (POL-ESP) & Friar Piotr Tymko, OFM Conv. (POL-ENG), who are both of the of the Polish Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar.
Keep in your prayers these and all of the Franciscan Friars Conventual from around the world, who are spending these five weeks in prayerful fraternity, meeting to discuss the Constitutions of the Order, promoting the prophetic vision, the mission, and the significance of Conventual Franciscan religious life in the Church and in today’s world.
From the Event’s Liturgy of the Hours:
Lord, strength of living things
God immutable, eternal,
you mark the rhythms of the world:
the days, the centuries, the time.
Fill the evening with your light,
which rises beyond death,
to the splendor of the heavens,
to become a day without sunset.
Praise be to the Father Most High
to the Son and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
now and ever shall be. Amen

Friar James joins a few friars from around the world to find “home” on the globe.

Some of the Interpreters, including Our Lady of the Angels Province’s Friar Julio (center)

Friar Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. preparing for the next session.

Friar Jobe joyfully waiting to begin.

August 4th-5th: Friars James and Jobe, made an overnight trip to Assisi, where Friar James met with Our Lady of the Angels Province friars, Fr. Martin Breski, OFM Conv. and Fr.Daniel Quakenbush, OFM Conv., as well as the three Novices of our Provincial Custody of Blessed Agnellus of Pisa (friar Osvaldo Lopez-Figueroa, OFM Conv. friar Joseph David Freeman, OFM Conv. and friar Kieran John Murphy, OFM Conv.)

Friar Martin, Friar James & Friar Dan outside of the Sacro Convento of the Basilica of St. Francis, Assisi
As the friars are entering the last week of the Extraordinary General Chapter, Friar James shares some more photos from the event, including some time they were able to spend with the friars and pilgrims participating in the 8th International Youth Toward Assisi Meeting (Giovani Verso).

Friar James is flanked by the two Custos serving our Province Custodies. At left is Friar Ciprian Budău, OFM Conv. of our Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Custody in Great Britain & Ireland. At the right is Frei Ronaldo Gomes da Silva, OFM Conv. of our Immaculate Conception Custody in Brazil.

Friars preparing for Mass, including our own Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. (on the isle-third row)

Friar Vincent (left) in the tight cell he shared with some of the other friars serving as interpreters.

August 22, 2018: Ministers Provincial, Custodes, Assistant General, Chapter Delegates and our friar Translators at the Extraordinary General Chapter, at the CFF (Conventual Franciscan Federation – Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, and the USA) outside of the “Ad Gentes Center,” in Nemi, Italy.
Communique by the General Secretary of the Chapter,
Our Lady of the Angels Province friar ~ Fr. Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv.