Friar Franck’s Summer Adventure

Photo Cred: Life Teen

Friar Franck Lino Sokpolie, OFM Conv. is spending his summer serving at
our pastoral ministry of St. Paul Catholic Church, in Kensington, CT.

Friar Franck with the St. Paul Parish Youth Minister – John Imbimbo and a member of the Youth Core team – Steve Beck

“I was able to attend the June 10-13, 2018 Catholic Youth Ministry Training Convention (Life Teen) in Scottsdale, Arizona. The theme for this year convention was ‘The Relentless Father’ and it was an incredible five day experience. Over a thousand youth ministers where gathered, with 56+ priests in attendance, as well as another religious friar ~ Br John Timothy of the Community of St. John.
I had the opportunity to serve at all of the Masses and at Adoration, along with two of the seminarians in attendance. Overall, God strengthened my faith and has poured out His grace on me during this weekend convention. I feel renewed and even more committed to living out my vocation. He who has called me to this life of journey towards Him; through no merits of my own continues to unfold in my life His Grace and Mercy.”


Why go to Mass?

Why Go To Mass? (Confirmation, June 2018) from St. Paul Church on Vimeo.


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