Hosted by CTV Toronto’s Michelle Dubé, this Spring Fundraiser for our St. Clare Inn ministry was a lively night of fun entertainment, food, silent and live auctions. Held in the Donalda Club in the heart of Toronto, 265 guests enjoyed a fabulous evening for a great cause and together managed to raise $46,000.
St. Clare Inn is a non-denominational home-like transitional housing project, focused on re-building lives and self-esteem. This temporary residence is for homeless women, ages 30-60, who are also struggling with a diagnosed mental health issue.
Residents take responsibility for the care of their personal space as well as the general care of the Inn, including the preparations and sharing of dinner together each day, providing an opportunity to develop and rebuild independence and social skills. Through the help of the Inn, residents transition to permanent affordable housing and a stable living environment. An essential part of recovery is finding a home. If you would like to be a part of this important ministry in the Toronto, Ontario area, DONATE HERE.

Brother Tom Purcell, OFM Conv., Executive Director of St. Clare Inn, with attendees at Black and White – Oh, What a Night!