SS Francis & Clare Friary, Washington DC
Visit of Cardinal Ribat
Our Province JPIC Ministry and FAN hosted Cardinal Sir John Ribat of Papua New Guinea in Washington D.C. April 13-15. At a reception sponsored by FAN, the USCCB, the Catholic Climate Covenant and others, the Cardinal spoke on Climate Change and the potential effects of seabed mining in his country. We also organized for him meeting on Capitol Hill and at the EPA. An article on the visit, from the NCR, can be found here.
While in D.C. the Cardinal also spoke to a formation gathering of 85 religious in formation and their directors, sharing his own vocation story and what he believes to be essential in the lives of the ministers of today and tomorrow. Cardinal John was accompanied by his Vicar General, Fr. Ben Fleming. EWTN News Nightly – 2018-03-15
March for Our Lives
Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM Conv. and Fr. Michael Lasky, OFM Conv. joined students from Parkland and around the country in the Washington D.C. Rally on March 24th. The efforts of students across the nation has turned the March into a Movement, demanding gun control and an end to gun violence. #Enough #NeverAgain