A few weeks ago, Fr. Jacek Leszczyński, OFM Conv. organized a three-day workshop for the Hispanic Servers of Iglesia Catolica de St. Julia, in Siler City, NC. Topics included how to be a committed server, the image of the parish portrayed at Mass, reconciliation with God and our brothers and sisters, and much more. Participants worked on what individual ministry groups accomplished in 2017 and proposed activities to support spiritual enhancement and contributions.
More on Friar Jacek and his ministry:
Known as Friar Jacek (to his Polish speaking parishioners), as Padre Jacinto (to his Spanish speaking parishioners) and as Friar Jack (to his English speaking parishioners), he is a Polish Conventual Franciscan Friar Missionary who in 2008 came to the United States, after serving for 10 years in Peru. At the request of our Minister Provincial, he has served the multicultural parish (American-Spanish-Polish) of St. Julia, since 2014, while residing in our Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary, in Pittsboro, NC, alongside Our Lady of the Angels Province friars, Br. Raymond Sobocinski, OFM Conv., Fr. Joseph Madden, OFM Conv. and Friar Gregory Spuhler, OFM Conv.
The parish is part of the Diocese of Raleigh. Each weekend, he celebrates at least seven Masses (in English, Spanish and Polish), as well as Weddings Masses, and Quinceañera Masses. Over these past few years, Friar Jacek has facilitated many improvements to the property, including new bathrooms, floors, and stairs, as well as upgrades in the offices and courtyard, catechesis tools, a more secure roof, new paint for the church, offices and parish rooms, and new statues & artwork. The parish was gifted a new statue of St. Francis of Assisi and in the sanctuary space, they were able to mount a three dimensional work of Last Supper, painted by an Polish artist, from Raleigh.
Although the parish is large, it is a poor community of mostly those who have come to this country to work; providing a future for their children and helping family they left in their home countries. However, they are very devout and spiritually connected community, closely and lovingly involved in the work of the parish. As a whole, they do everything for the glory of God. The Masses in Spanish are overcrowded, with a major lack of parking, causing hardship for the neighborhood. So, in November of 2017, St. Julia purchased 10 acres adjacent to the parish. They plan on expanding the parking area and building a Franciscan Spiritual Center.

Proposed plan for the expansion.
Read more about this vibrant community in the Zycie Zakonne
The information service of the Conference of Major Superiors of Male Orders in Poland.