Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Gerald Waterman, OFM Conv. hails from Bridgeport, CT and in 1973, at the age of 18, entered the Novitiate. He professed Solemn Vows as a Franciscan Friar Conventual, in 1981 and in 1985 was Ordained to the Priesthood, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Albany, NY.
Throughout his three decades in ministry, he has served all over our province (in seven states to be exact) in parishes, formation and the promotion of our missions. His past two assignments have been in college campus ministry. From 2005-2016, Friar Gerry served the students of Elon University and he is currently serving those of Syracuse University and the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry.
One of the favorite events enjoyed through the Catholic Center is the Thursday Night Dinner. Friar Gerry kicks off these evenings with 7:00 p.m. Mass with the group and then joins them for fellowship and food. Free and welcome to all students of all faiths, each of these Thursday Night Dinners include a well balanced meal featuring comforting foods such as Eggplant Parmesan, Pasta & Meatballs, Mediterranean Chicken, Mac n’ Cheese, Pulled Pork BBQ, Vegan Burgers and Chicken n’ Biscuits. Several times each semester, the participants add to this night of fun, with a bit of service to those who go without in the local community.
After Mass and a great meal, the students, faculty, staff and visitors line up to make sandwiches for the local Samaritan Center, an interfaith effort of community members who are committed to serving the hungry and those in need in Central New York in order to promote their welfare, dignity and self-sufficiency. Read More
This tradition began well before Friar Gerry began serving as Campus Minister for the Catholic students of SU and SUNY ESF. There has been a home for Catholic students there for well over 100 years and the students enjoy a vibrant community, with devoted staff and Student Leadership. For the eight years prior to the arrival of Friar Gerry, they were under the nurturing spiritual guidance of the late +Fr. Linus DeSantis, OFM Conv. and August 2016, the diverse Syracuse community of students, alumni, parents, and friends have embraced Friar Gerry and he enjoys serving for and with the Catholic Orange and SUNY ESF communities.