Photo Cred: Our Lady of the Angels Province friar and Pilgrim Guide at the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, Fr. Martin Breski, OFM Conv.
Friar Ciprian Budău, OFM Conv., (second from left) the Provincial Custos of our Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Custody (Great Britain & Ireland) recently visited the Custody’s Novices, studying at the Novitiate at the Sacred Convent in Assisi. They were invested this past September after spending several months at the Sacred Convent in Italian studies. The time in Assisi has been joyful for friar Joseph David Freeman, OFM Conv. (left), friar Osvaldo Lopez-Figueroa, OFM Conv. (second from right), and friar Kieran John Murphy, OFM Conv. (right) and they also enjoyed having this personal time with their Custos.
Please keep them, and all of our friars in formation, in your continued prayers.