Fr. Brad Milunski, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province Vicar Provincial and one of the Pilgrimage Leadership Staff) with our own friar Luis Palacios Rodriguez, OFM Conv. (left) outside the cave of Brother Leo; St. Francis’ secretary and friend.
For the entire month of July, eleven Franciscan friars from all three branches of the First Order (OFM Conventual, OFM Capuchin, and OFM) participated in a pilgrimage/retreat in Rome, the Rieti Valley, and Assisi, as part of their preparation for the final profession of the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The participating friars represented the USA, Canada, Mexico, Great Britain, Ireland, and Singapore. Visits to many Franciscan holy places were combined with historical and spiritual input, the celebration of Mass, and large blocks of time for private prayer.
The pilgrimage was sponsored by Franciscan Pilgrimage Programs in Franklin, WI, and led by Sr. Anne Kenyon, OSF, and Fr. Rick Martignetti, OFM, Fr. John Petrikovic, OFM Cap., and our own Vicar Provincial – Fr. Brad Milunski, OFM Conv. The friars are now concluding the pilgrimage with five days of retreat before returning to their home countries.
Our Lady of the Angels Province not only had a friar as a member of the leadership staff in our Vicar Provincial – Fr. Brad who just returned to the USA this week, but we also have a participant friar in formation who is still in Italy for the final leg of his preparatory Solemn Vow Retreat. Friar Luis Palacios Rodriguez, OFM Conv. hopes to Profess Solemn Vows in 2018. You can peek into his years of Formation as a Franciscan Friar Conventual, though past posts on this website, such as his: Profession of Simple Vows, MedStar, Patients First Medallion Award, Minor Ministry of Acolyte Installation, and even a post from when his mom and sister came for a visit.

Visit to the Shrine of La Verna where St. Francis received the “stigmata,” the very wounds of Christ in his body – some of the pilgrims look up for a group shot.

Friar Brad just outside the cave of Brother Leo, St. Francis’ secretary and friend.
Check back soon for more photos from friar Luis, as well as some captured during this week’s visit to the pilgrims by our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry. Please keep friar Luis and all of those preparing to Profess Solemn Vows, in your continued prayers. Thank You!

The pilgrims as they visited the Basilica Papale e Sacro Convento di San Francesco (Papal Basilica and Sacred Convent of St. Francis), in Assisi.
Visit with our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv.:

The five Friars of the CFF English-speaking Federation doing the final week of the “Second Novitiate” in preparation for Solemn Vows. (friar Luis at left and Friar James 3rd from left) The inscription over the portals reads “Here [were] the first beginnings of the Friars Minor.”

The five (1 from OLA, 1 from St. Joseph Cupertino Province, and 3 from our Province Custody of Glessed Agnellus of Pisa) with Fr. James, who directed their final days of retreat at the Order’s protoconvent Rivo Torto. Here they are standing in the “Sacro Tugurio” (“Sacred Hut”) of Rivo Torto. Sorry about the glare in their eyes.

At the end of the retreat they were visited by Fr. Louis, the Order’s Secretary General for Formation (at right)

Fr. James also visited with three Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Custody Postulants (Joseph David Freeman, Kieran John Murphy and Osvaldo Lopez-Figueroa) who are doing Italian studies in preparation for entry into the Order’s Novitiate program, in Assisi.
Friar Luis shared even more photos that are incorporated into a post on our Province Facebook Page.