Fr. James places the crucifix in the friary chapel, stating: We display in this friary, the sign of love & salvation. May it be the source of our hope & inspiration.
Washington, DC: On Wednesday, December 7, 2016, the Very Rev. Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv., Minister Provincial of Our Lady of the Angels Province, blessed and dedicated the new residence of our friars working in Campus Ministry, at the Catholic University of America. and our Province JPIC Commission (Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation). In all actuality, this friary simply changed locations but also now has the unique opportunity to be a multi-ministry friary. Originally located on the campus of CUA, the new friary building, is still under the patronage of Saints Francis and Clare, but is now located less than five minutes off campus and will better afford the friars the opportunity to host more friary functions, for the students they serve. Friar residents of the new friary were joined by friars serving in surrounding areas, including those from St. Joseph Cupertino Friary (Ellicott City – MD), Portiuncula Friary (Ellicott City – MD), St. Bonaventure Friary (Silver Spring – MD), members of our Province Definitory and other visiting friars, for the fraternal festivities. The Blessing and Dedication took place in the context of Evening Prayer and included songs of praise, readings, prayers and intercessions.
Prayer of the Guardian
(Shared by Fr. Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv.)
Lord God, Father ever close to us,
You lead and guide those who love You
by the light and inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
May this same Spirit be with us today, to purify and direct our endeavor,
to kindle the fire of Your love in our hearts, so that our lives under a new roof
may be truly renewed in prayer, brotherhood and service.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Local Vicar’s Blessing of the Entrance
(Shared by Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv.)
Most High and loving God,
Through the prayers and intercession of our Holy Father Francis,
and our Holy Mother Clare, bless our new home.
Make holy our entrance and always direct the steps of our feet.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.
Minister Provincial’s Prayer of Blessing
(Shared by the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv.)
Father, bless this place and all who live here.
May they become an image and manifestation of Your eternal home in heaven,
where You live and reign with Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever.
Prayer of the Members of Saints Francis and Clare Friary
(Shared by Fr. Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv., Fr. Michael Lasky, OFM Conv.,
Fr. Ericson de la Pena, OFM Conv., Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv.
and Fr. Albert Pulliyadan, OFM Conv. )
Most High and Good God,
You bring us together in the celebration of this new friary.
Grant that we may serve You constantly and live together in fraternal love,
sincerity and mutual peace.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.