FIMP (Federation of Italian and Mediterranean Jurisdictions of our Order) and CFF (North America, Australia, Great Britain and Ireland) Solemn Vow retreatants and the directors of Rivo Torto, with newly appointed Secretary General for Formation for our Order, pictured in the friary chapel at Santa Maria di Rivotorto (known as the “Sanctuary of Rivotorto,” a few kilometers south of the Portiuncula. Rivo Torto is under the care of our Order and was founded to preserve the structures of the Sacred Hovel or Tugurio – the first place where St. Francis gathered his followers before settling at the Portiuncula.
Each summer, friars from all three Franciscan First Orders who are approaching the solemn vow stage of formation travel on a Solemn Vow Pilgrimage to Assisi, led by our Vicar Provincial, Fr. Brad Milunski, OFM Conv. During this time, they explore the rich Franciscan history of the area, accompanied by veteran friars. For the last week, the men move onto their individual Order Solemn Vow Retreat, as leadership from each Order joins them to continue delving into the life of St. Francis of Assisi and his followers, with a direct focus on the way the Order lives out their Call. Currently, we have three such friars from Our Lady of the Angels Province attending this year’s pilgrimage and retreat as the group stays at Santa Maria di Rivotorto, led by our own Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. Our Order’s newly appointed Secretary General of Formation, Friar Louis Panthiruvelil, OFM Conv.(in full green vestments above) paid a visit and celebrated Mass for both Second Novitiate groups of friars.
Please keep our own province friars Antonio Sandoval, OFM Conv. Emanuel Vasconcelos, OFM Conv. and Maximilian Avila, OFM Conv., as well as the other Franciscan Friars Conventual in formation in your prayers during in this important step of their discernment journey.

Fr. James (far right) with the four American friars (left to right: fr. Antonio Sandoval, OFM Conv. of our Provincial Delegation in Costa Rica, Brother Don Bassana, OFM Conv. of Our Lady of Consolation Province, Emanuel Vasconcelos, OFM Conv. and Maximilian Avila, OFM Conv.) on retreat pictured outside of Santa Maria di Rivotorto. The inscription above the archivolt of the church entance reads, “Here the beginnings of the Friars Minor.”