Good Friday at The Franciscan Church of the Assumption: Fr. Brennan-Joseph, OFM Conv. asks us all to reflect on what role we think we would have played in the #Passion. What role are we playing today? Are we being kind to all that we meet?

Easter Vigil at The Franciscan Church of the Assumption: Fr. Rick Riccioli, OFM Conv. lights the Easter fire for the blessing and lighting of the 2016 Easter Candle

Good Friday’s Way of the Cross at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community (Pastor: Fr. Paul Lininger, OFM Conv.)

Good Friday Passion Play at Holy Cross Catholic Church: (pictured – Parochial Vicar, Fr. Abelardo Huanca Martinez, OFM Conv.)

Holy Cross (Atlanta) Breakfast with the Easter Bunny and Egg Hunt. Breakfast provided by the Knights of Columbus and many more volunteers helped to make the event a great success. (pictured: Pastor, Fr. Jude Michael Krill, OFM Conv. and Parochial Vicar Fr. Abelardo Huanca Martinez, OFM Conv.
Easter Sunday Reflection by Duke Catholic Center Director of Campus Ministry, Fr. Michael Martin, OFM Conv.

Easter Vigil at St. Lucie Catholic Church (Pastor – Fr. Mark Szanyi, OFM Conv & Parochial Vicars – Fr. Curt Kreml, OFM Conv., Fr. Paul Gabriel, OFM Conv. and Fr. Daniel Pal, OFM Conv.

Blessing of the Food, St. Paul Catholic Church (Fr. Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv.)

Holy Saturday Easter Egg Hunt at the Shrine of St. Anthony: Young Max (age 2) and his family enjoyed visiting the friars and taking part in the morning egg Hunt fun. He was really excited when he saw the small Shrine of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv., on the grounds during the hunt. He ran up to his patron saint’s statue and said, “That’s me! That’s Max!”

Easter Sunday Sunrise Mass at the Shrine of St. Anthony (on the front lawn of Carrollton Hall Historic Site) with Shrine and Hall Director, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv.

The Easter Fire at San Damiano Mission