Friar Israel, Friar Patrick (at left), Friar Manny (not pictured), Friar Andrew and Friar Brad (at right) joined the Washington Hebrew Congregation and Rabbi Bruce Lustig for a Day of Service.
Many of our ministry sites participated in a Day of Service in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. (January 18, 2016). In Washington DC, our friars in the Post Novitiate stage of Formation joined approximately 700 students, faculty, and staff from the Catholic University of America (whose Campus Ministry is led by our friars) in serving their Washington, D.C. community.
A message from Fr. Brad Milunski, OFM Conv. – Vicar Provincial and Formation Director for Our Lady of the Angels Province: “On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, four of the friars in initial formation joined hundreds of their classmates at the Catholic University of America (aka CUA) for a “day on” of service. Friar Patrick Roth, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province), Friar Manny Wenke, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province), Friar Andrew Hennessy, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of Consolation Province) and Friar Israel Arauz-Rosiles, OFM Conv. (St. Joseph Cupertino Province) and I traveled in a three-bus caravan from the campus to the Washington Hebrew Congregation (a 3,000-family Reformed synagogue founded in 1852) which does tremendous outreach to our nation’s capital. There we joined scores of others groups in various service projects. Our assigned task was to join the assembly line of volunteers chopping fresh vegetables and preparing casseroles. After an hour and a half of work, Rabbi Bruce Lustig took the CUA group on a tour of the synagogue during which Friar Israel was honored to hold one of the Torah scrolls.
Online article from the Catholic News Agency,
“The impact of Martin Luther King, Jr on these Catholic Students“