November 30 – December 4, 2015: The friars of Immaculate Conception Custody (Brazil) of Our Lady of the Angels Province met in the city of Juiz de Fora, State of Minas Gerais, for their annual retreat. Father Paulo Sérgio Carrara, C.Ss.R. directed the retreat with the theme “Pastoral Work and Consecrated Life,” in accord with the Custody’s Four-Year Custodial Plan. At the end of the retreat, on December 4th, the Mass of the Immaculate Conception was celebrated in our Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, opening the Jubilee Year of 70 years of Conventual Franciscan presence in Latin America, as well as 50 years of priesthood of Bishop Elias Manning, OFM Conv., Bishop Emeritus of Valença.

Friar Willian Gomes Mendonça, OFM Conv. and Friar Luiz Henrique Nascimento Lima, OFM Conv. Ordained as Deacons, by Bishop Elias Manning, OFM Conv., Bishop Emeritus of Valença
On the following day, December 5th, at St. Peter and St Paul Parish in the city of Paraíba do Sul, State of Rio de Janeiro, Friar Willian Gomes Mendonça, OFM Conv. and Friar Luiz Henrique Nascimento Lima, OFM Conv. were ordained Deacons. The large church was replete with the presence of practically all the friars of the Custody, several diocesan priests, family members and faithful from all the places where the friars of the Custody serve.