friar Luis (in habit) Dr. Argyros, former friar Thomas J. Chirdo ~ Director of the MedStar CPE program and Rev. Anthony Akinlolu ~ Assistant Director, Department of Spiritual Care
Friar Luis Palacios Rodriguez, OFM Conv., one of the friars in formation for our province, is currently enrolled in a CPE program at MedStar Washington Hospital Center in Washington, DC. On November 19, 2015, he was recognized by Gregory J. Argyros, MD, Senior Vice President at MedStar for outstanding service and was awarded the MedStar, Patients First Medallion.
“Friar Luis Palacios deserves to be commended. He stayed with a patient who sustained a non-survivable gunshot wound to the head and prayed for the patient and with his family when they arrived to MedStar. His compassion could be felt throughout the unit as he brought an air of warmth to the otherwise horrible situation of a young man who was victimized by gun violence. He remained in MedStar for most of the night comforting the family and praying with them in their time of grief until the Washington Regional Transplant Community referral team arrived to discuss organ donation, and stayed to be present with them during that tough conversation. Friar Luis embodies MedStar’s SPIRIT values and should be recognized as a bright, inspiring, and deeply spiritual member of our pastoral care staff.”