Saturday, February 14, 2015
Diocese of Savannah Bishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv. (a friar from our province and former pastor of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church) came back to the diocese of Atlanta to ordain Friar Gabriel Scasino, OFM Conv. to the Order of the Priesthood, at 11:00 a.m. Mass, at St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church, in Jonesboro, GA, on Saturday, February 14, 2015. The Ordination was followed by a light reception in the parish hall. The next day, at 10:45 a.m., Friar Gabriel presided over his Mass of Thanksgiving with the parish, friars, friends and family. He continued to serve as Chaplain at Our Lady of Mercy High School, in Fayetteville, GA and as a parish priest at St. Philip Benizi, where he has been serving as a deacon since August of 2015. (Update: Fr. Gabriel is now serving at our San Damiano Mission in Brooklyn, NY)
Lord God, send forth upon him the Holy Spirit,
that he may be strengthened by the gift of Your sevenfold grace
to carry out faithfully the work of this ministry.
May he excel in every virtue:
in love that is sincere, in concern for the sick and the poor, in unassuming authority,
in self discipline, and in holiness of life.
May his conduct exemplify Your commandments and
lead Your people to imitate his purity of life.
May he remain strong and steadfast in Christ,
giving to the world the witness of a pure conscience.
May he in this life imitate Your Son, Who came, not to be served but to serve,
and one day reign with Him in heaven.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Please click here to read Bishop Gregory’ Homily from the Ordination